Hi there,
For those thinking about traveling abroad safely and wondering where they can go during the coronavirus pandemic, things evolve intermittently and very much depend on your home country and the destination.
Travel within continents is discouraged or restricted; transcontinental travel for tourism purposes is very difficult or totally restricted.
Domestic travel with an emphasis on road tripping is sometimes possible. But once you bring longer flights and international destinations into the travel equation, things get a lot more complicated.
What is the outlook for 2021? Keep reading.
Every country is dealing with its own Covid-19 crises but international diplomacy and the scientific world at large are not standing still. It’s an evolving scenario and in the right direction. Here’s an example: countries used to deny entrance or require quarantine for people crossing borders even when coming back from abroad. Now, many countries allow entrance with a negative Covid test, usually taken up to 72 hrs prior or right at the airport. Covid passports in the form of smartphone apps have also been deployed.
What about Americans to Italy? Too soon to go, but not to plan.
Italy is indicated as of January 11th as Level 3 out of 4 in the travel alert scale of the State Department.
On the other hand, US citizens are not permitted to enter:
Non-essential travel (i.e., tourism) to Italy from most non-EU countries (including the United States) is prohibited. Essential travel is allowed and includes students, businesspersons, EU residents, and relatives of Italian citizens.
I’ll spare you the numbers but Italy and Europe are also struggling and have put soft and hard lockdowns back in place.
This is the situation as we enter 2021. But more and more we see people planning and some are ready to book.