Why it MAKES SENSE for Independent Travel Agents to Sell Active Vacations
Want to bring in more customers and make your business "THE SOURCE" of exciting, yet affordable travel packages?
Download this 23-page eBook TODAY and discover the growing industry trends for 2016.
Plus, you'll find out why combining these trends with active travel can bring A COMBO of long-term benefits to your travel agency business.
In this eBook, you'll learn:
- Why adding active travel to your travel packages WILL INCREASE your chances of tapping into a US$ 283 billion market (Recent reports show this market is CONTINUOUSLY GROWING).
- Why promoting 2nd-tier or 3rd-tier cities instead of prime tourist spots could make your sale bigger, get more clients and bring more awareness to your business.
- The BOURDAIN EFFECT: A mouthwatering concoction of culinary and adventure travel allows you to offer unique holiday packages not found anywhere else. (Attract foodies, gourmands, thrill seekers, athletes, sports enthusiasts … just about anybody who is seeking the best tasting foods and heart-pumping action IN ONE PLACE.)
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