This week's blog is written by Tourissimo guide Gionata Secci, and he shares how he prepares his bike for a cycling trip.
On a Tourissimo tour, we take care of these details for you, but when you go on your own you need to prepare.
I am used taking my time for the bike check up before a cycling trip! A month before is a good gap of time. I do the maintenance by myself.
The very first thing to do if you want to have an efficient bike is to clean it properly. I never use a pressure washer, it makes the water enter everywhere and remove the grease even into the bearings, damaging them. A soft sponge, a not very aggressive detergent, and a good dose of pure elbow grease does the trick! Oh, please, remember to dry it too, it is very important (we don't want to risk it getting a cold).
After a good bath we will be able to check the integrity of the frame and the good health of all the moving parts of our bike. If everything is working well, without weird noises and creepy squeezes we can check the status of the tires, brake pads, shifters, cables (they must work smoothly), rear and front mechs, saddle, pedals, and tape. It is better to change what is almost at the end of its working life. At least you can save it as an emergency spare part...just in case!
When all is working as it has to, you, and me, are ready for a perfect ride together in the next Tourissimo Tour!