Magnifica means All-inclusive
When you take a Magnifica tour you hardly have any extra expenses
Magnifica tours include all accommodations, transportation from and to the airport, all meals including wine and beer. All coffee and cappuccino stops, ice cream, free carbon bike upgrade with Garmin gps. It’s likely that you will leave your wallet in your suitcase for the duration of the tour. That will translate into peace of mind and full enjoyment.
We envisioned our Magnifica programs to be like the world leading vacation resorts. Places where you don't have to worry about anything, because everything is provided and included. When you try that, it's not easy to go back.
Paying separately for carbon bike rental, wine, lunches and dinners can add up. It could easily be another $700 to $1,000. See it for yourself:
- bike rental with Garmin $200-$250
- lunches $75-$150
- coffee, cappuccino, and icecream stops $30
- dinners with wine (when not included) $100-$150
- other activities and visits $50-$100
- taxi and transportation from and to airport $50-$200
You get more value with the all-inclusive formula when compared to other luxury active vacations.