Traveling in the COVID-19 Era
Here is the latest information on travel requirements, regulations in Italy, and what to expect on tour (last updated September 30, 2022 with latest mask requirements).
Please note that this information is specific to those entering Italy from the United States and Canada. While we are doing our best to stay on top of all international requirements, we recommend that you also research rules and restrictions for Italy and all other countries that pertain to your specific travel itinerary, especially if you are traveling in or transiting through multiple countries.
-Check updates from the Italian Ministry of Health.
-Check the latest requirements and restrictions for entry to Italy from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
We are ready to welcome you in Italy!
Italy was one of the first countries affected by the virus, and since the start we have been monitoring the situation closely. We are now in our third season of running tours during the pandemic, and our entire team is well-prepared to provide a safe and enjoyable experience.
Below you'll find answers to the most common questions we are receiving about traveling to Italy during this time. We recommend you check back often, as information is constantly changing. You should also do your own research and check with your airline about last-minute requirements/changes.
We will be following all of the rules and regulations set out by the Italian government, and all of our partner hotels and vendors will as well. Health and safety are the responsibility of us all, and we expect everyone to play their part. All of our guides and staff are vaccinated, and over 90% of the eligible population in Italy is vaccinated.
What documents are needed to travel to Italy?
As of June 1, there are no longer any Covid-specific rules to enter Italy. If you are visiting or transiting through other countries, please check to see if there are any remaining requirements.
What documents are needed to fly back to the USA?
We still encourage everyone to purchase travel insurance that will cover the expenses of a positive covid test should you experience syptoms or get sick while overseas. See the travel insurance section, below.
What documents are needed to fly back to Canada?
As of April 1, 2022, pre-entry tests are no longer required for fully vaccinated travellers entering Canada by land, air or water. Please review the entry requirements.
What steps are Tourissimo staff taking on tour to keep everyone safe?
-Our guides have been trained in COVID-19 protocols and have successfully guided clients during the pandemic for three seasons now. They are experienced in keeping you safe while also providing an enjoyable experience.
-All of our guides and staff are vaccinated.
-We will continue to follow all rules related to masking and social distancing.
-Hand sanitizer will be available in the van/on the guides during hikes at all times.
-All of our partner hotels and vendors are practicing proper hygiene and social distancing.
-We will eat meals outside whenever possible.
-The overwhelming majority of people in Italy are taking the pandemic seriously and are following all social distancing and hygiene rules.
What steps do I need to take to keep myself and everyone safe?
-Be honest about your health. If you develop symptoms before you travel, get tested. If you develop symptoms while on tour, alert the guides right away. See the section below about travel insurance. Many plans do now cover trip interruption due to a positive COVID-19 test.
-Wear masks when and where they are required.
-Maintain a safe distance from others.
-Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer frequently.
What if I test postive in Italy?
According to the current regulations, anyone who tests positive for coronavirus and shows symptoms must immediately self-isolate for five days instead of the previous seven, and must test negative – via either a molecular (PCR) or rapid antigen test – at the end of that period, as well as being asymptomatic for two days.
Should the patient continue to test positive, they must remain in isolation until they get a negative test result. The maximum length of the isolation period is now 14 days.
Are masks required?
-Masks are required in medical settings and pharmacies.
-In most other venues masks are recommended but not required.
-Locally, certain regions, cities, towns or venues might mandate masks in different places or situations.
-You must wear a mask in all places where it is required, and when told to do so by authorities.
-If you choose, you can wear a mask in places where it is not required.
Is travel insurance necessary?
We always recommend travel insurance, and this year coverage is more important than ever. Many travel insurance companies now have plans that cover positive COVID-19 diagnoses and trip interruption.
We have been working with Travel Guard for several years now, and have found them to be fair and honest to us and to our guests during this emergency. You can read Travel Guard's COVID-19 Information HERE. If you have your own preferred insurance provider, please secure coverage through them; the important thing is to be covered! If you do decide to use Travel Guard, we ask that you purchase your plan using This Link.
What else?
-We have a special webpage that's loaded with info to help you pack and prepare for your trip: GET READY!
-We encourage you to read everything, and pay special attention to the Packing, Tipping, and What to Expect sections.
-Please look everything over and if you have a question that we haven't covered feel free to email or call us.
-For trip-specific pre-departure info (meeting place & time, contact info, etc.), we will send out an email closer to your departure date.
Have fun!
The additional paperwork, hassles at the airport, and social distancing measures will all be worth it once you're enjoying your first aperitvo overlooking a lively piazza or you're riding through the Italian countryside.
See you in Italy soon!